- Assembly 100 Color Guard led by Color Corps Commander Scott Criscuolo
- SK Tim Horne and FN George Ribellino, Jr. carry the 9-11 tribute flags in procession.
- Color Coprs members with Assembly 100 Faithful Friar Father Reggie Norman
In a solemn outdoor ceremony held on Saturday morning, September 10 on the beautiful grounds of Notre Dame Convalescent Home in Norwalk, members of Knights of Columbus 4th Degree Bishop Fenwick Assembly 100 were joined by their families as well as residents and staff of Notre Dame at a special Mass in remembrance of those who lost their lives fifteen years ago on September 11, 2001.
“It is a true honor to pay respects to those lost on 9-11-01,” said George Ribellino, Jr. newly elected Faithful Navigator of Bishop Fenwick Assembly 100.
On a bright, sunny morning, Notre Dame residents, along with staff, volunteers, a Knights Color Guard and a bagpiper formed a procession across the Notre Dame grounds to a special area where the Mass was held.
Father Reggie Norman, Pastor of Our Lady of Fatima parish (Wilton) and Faithful Friar of Knights of Columbus Bishop Fenwick Assembly 100 was the celebrant of the Mass. Special American flags bearing the names of 9/11 victims were part of the ceremony as well.
Father Reggie in his homily about the 9-11 Anniversary said, “What this day of remembrance allows us to do is to reflect, to recall tragic events and to give thanks for the men and women and children whose stories give us proof of the best of human virtue. This anniversary is a call to live in faith, in forgiveness, and in the truth that the life death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is our life, our destiny our hope as human beings and specifically as Christians.”
The Mass was coordinated with Notre Dame’s Sister Lucie Monast, SSTV. Following the Mass, a special picnic was held for all attendees in which the Sir Knights helped serve. It was truly a special and memorable morning for all.
“It was a wonderful day to honor those whose lives were lost on that sad day, and I thank everyone who took part in this ceremony”, said Knights Color Corps Commander Scott Criscuolo.