
Introduction to Bishop Fenwick Assembly 100

This is the Home of Bishop Fenwick Assembly 100 4th Degree Knights of Columbus, based in Norwalk, CT since 1914. Our Monthly meetings are on the 1st Wednesday of every month at 7:00p. We meet at the home of Council 46 on 16 Hendricks Ave in Norwalk, CT. Assembly 100 draws its members from the ranks of the following Fairfield County Councils:
• Council 46, St Ann Club, Hendricks Ave, Norwalk
• Council 1253, St Ladislaus Church, Cliff St, Norwalk
• Council 2287, St Aloysius Church, Maple St, New Canaan
• Council 3688, Assumption Church, Riverside Av, Westport
• Council 12698, Our Lady of Fatima Church, Danbury Rd, Wilton
• Council 14360, St Matthew Church, Scribner Av, Norwalk
• Council 17166, St Francis of Assisi, Norfield Rd, Weston

How to Enroll

The qualifications for membership in the Fourth Degree are that you be a Third Degree Knight in good standing with your council and the Order. The waiting period for becoming a Fourth Degree Knight has been eliminated. Once you have been bestowed the honor of Knighthood (3rd Degree), you will continue your journey in learning the lesson of patriotism. The primary purpose of your Fourth Degree membership is to foster the spirit of patriotism in members and the community at large and encourage active Catholic citizenship.

Click here for a 4th Degree Application

The History of the Fourth Degree is the outgrowth and culmination of the desire of the Members to manifest their love for country and pride in their Catholic American heritage. In 1882, the Reverend Michael J. McGivney had founded the Knights of Columbus to provide mutual aid and assistance to its members and their families. At that time the Order had only three Degrees exemplifying the principles of Charity, Unity and Fraternity. In compliance with the wishes of the body as a whole, the national board of directors met in August 1899 and approved the addition of a Fourth Degree to the work of the Knights of Columbus. The new ritual was adopted on the 9th of December and went into effect in 1900 with its primary purpose to foster the spirit of patriotism through the demonstration of one’s love for its country and by responsible citizenship. It is the highest Degree in the Knights of Columbus, giving a greater knowledge and appreciation for our Catholic heritage.
As a Fourth Degree Knight you have the opportunity to become part of our assembly’s color corps. Color corps members regularly take part in civic events such as parades and wreath-laying ceremonies, and in ecclesial functions at our local Catholic churches. If you are not a 4th Degree Knight, we want you so contact us today by calling Faithful Navigator George Ribellino at 203-856-7101 or [email protected].

Norwalk 4th Degree Knights assist Veteran in Need

NORWALK LABOR DAY 2024 – Usually, Labor Day weekend is a time for vacations or cook-out, but today more than 20 volunteers from Knights of Columbus Bishop Fenwick Assembly 100-4th Degree helped make a difference in a day for a Brother Knight and Marine Corps veteran, Jack Consiglio. Back in October 2021, Knights of Columbus …

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Assembly 100 honored to take part in honoring our deceased veterans for 2 annual Norwalk events

KofC Bishop Fenwick Assembly 100 was so honored to be a part of the Annual Flag placing at St John Cemetery on Saturday, May 18th. A big thanks to King Industries for sponsoring the event and inviting the Assembly to provide an Color Guard. Hundreds of people met at St. Johns Cemetery Saturday to lay …

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Assembly 100 Veterans Honored

It was a wonderful evening at the St Ann Club where our Assembly honored 8 Sir Knights that served but all veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedoms. The Sir Knights received a certificate and special gift from the Assembly. We were honored to have 101year old WWII veteran Nick Samodel join …

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Assembly 100 assist the Vets at Homes for the Brave

Honored to help our friends/veterans at Homes for the Brave. A small crew from Assembly 100 4th Degree helped build a kitchenette and food pantry shelf for the new Homes for the Brave Annex in downtown Bridgeport. Thanks to the members of Assembly 100 for donating a carload of food to be the first to …

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Palm Sunday Mass at St Matthew

Our 4th Degree Color Corps took part in the Palm Sunday Noon Mass and procession with Diocese of Bridgeport Bishop Frank Caggiano , to dedicate “Our Lady of the Visitation Chapel” at St. Matthew Church. The Chapel offers 24/7 access to Simple Exposition and is de- signed for people to visit the Lord 24/7.

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Christmas Eve Dinner delivered to the Vets at Homes for the Brave

Food delivered to our veterans at Homes for the Brave in Bridgeport. Our Assembly and Knights of Columbus St. Matthew #14360 have been bringing meals for Thanksgiving and Christmas for many years. It is the least we can do to show our appreciation to our veterans. Thanks to Dave Kuban and Planet Pizza Norwalk for …

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